Uga Graduation Commission
Those who know me, know that the University of Georgia is an institution near and dear to my heart. It's hard to believe that it's been 15 years since I walked the campus as an undergrad. The four years that I spent in Athens were significant in shaping who I am today by not only preparing me for a career, but also allowing me to forge lifelong friendships and special bonds. So when I was contacted by a client who wanted a unique graduation gift for a UGA pharmacy student, I was thrilled to be a part of such a special occasion.
Through a collaboration process with my client, we decided to depict Uga X, the iconic UGA mascot, wearing a white lab coat over his traditional red jersey. Then, I added the pharmacy school's logo to the lab coat which I thought was a really neat way to personalize this painting. Graduation for the pharmacy school will be at the end of April so I can't wait to hear how this lucky dawg likes the gift!
If you would like to commission a painting for a special occasion, please reach out. I would love to create a memorable, one-of-a-kind painting just for you.