Vintage Songs Series

Over the last several years, I've found myself becoming obsessed with vintage style. I love scouting local antique shops and flea markets for one-of-a-kind treasures that aren't only beautiful but also have a story. If you've followed my work, you may recall this obsession led to a vintage frame collection that I often use as a finishing touch for some of my paintings. However, my most recent discovery came about when I visited my family in Macon a couple of months ago. While I was in town, I stopped by one of my favorite antique malls and found a stash of vintage sheet music that ranged in date from 1913 - 1928 and a hymnal from the early 40s. Many of these pieces of music are over 100 years old! I'm sure you can imagine the hard core happy dance that took place.

After doing a little research (to make sure I wasn't destroying rare, historic documents) I decided to re-purpose the music by using it in my paintings. I started by adhering the music to the background and then used my normal palette knife technique to paint over the top. I then strategically scraped away paint to reveal certain song lyrics. I really love the layered effect and the vintage feel that the music gives the paintings. These are truly unique art pieces with a dash of history, giving new life to vintage sheet music that can now engage audiences in a new way.
Here are a few of the finished paintings so far. As I mentioned, I have a whole stack of music to use so there's enough material to create several more. Be sure to check out the "Vintage Songs" section of my site to shop available artwork.