Title: Tranquility After Midnight
Size: 36 x 36
Medium: Acrylic and soft pastel on canvas*local delivery included in price - if outside the Atlanta area please inquire about a shipping estimate before purchase.
This original painting titled, "Tranquility After Midnight" features a single swan at night on the water. It's about learning to be secure with ourselves no matter what season we're in.
Heavy texture in the background creates an abstract yet intriguing feel. Acrylic paints were applied with both brush and palette knife to create detail and additional texture. Delicate inktense pencil lines accentuate details. The sides of the gallery-wrapped canvas are painted a similar color as the water. A gloss varnish seals the painting. Finally, a picture wire is installed on the back of this gallery-wrapped 36x36 canvas so it's ready to hang.
Tranquility After Midnight